Monday, May 24, 2010

Biggest Loser 2

Week 1 = -0.4
Week 2 = -3.6
Week 3 = -0.4
My total loss is 53 pounds.
I am so glad for how much I have lost but also so surprised that my body shape is still the same. Why did I expect anything different? If I'm doing the best job I can though I cannot worry about it and have to be proud of what I have done. I am beautifully and wonderfully made by God. My job is to take care of this vessel the best I can so I can do his work.
I have a new goal of losing 47 more. We will see what happens. In the meantime I will be doing the best I can ; )

1 comment:

Lou Harmon said...

Congratulations Ty. So proud of you.
You just lost over 5 10-pound bags of potatoes.

Just see if you can even hold 5 10-pound bags the next time you go to the market. That would be intense.

Take Care